I just checked my email.

After reading 5 words from one email I immediately labeled the email as spam.

I moved on.

This is a common occurrence. Said spam email is way to frequent because bloggers have no idea how to build bonds with established pro bloggers.

Why did I spam today’s wayward email?

I told him yesterday how my sponsored post rates are:

  • fixed
  • non-negotiable
  • non-barterable (not a word but you get the drift)

I clearly followed up in the email with the line “Please do not bother bartering with me in your reply because I never change my fixed price to meet someone’s budget.”

Of course the blogging dodo bird replies with, “Your price is too expensive” and followed with a plea to fit his budget.

A blogging stranger. Emailing me, another blogging stranger, asking me to price my services based on a broke person’s budget.

Silly, right?

This guy needs to follow these 3 tips immediately.

1: Never Pitch Bloggers

In 10 years I only pitched 3 bloggers different ideas.

One blogger owns Positively Positive, a site boasting celebrity writers, with its 2.5 million Facebook Fans and 80,000 email subscribers.

Save this experiment (and 2 other experiments), every single pitch, business idea, sponsored post, advertising opportunity, client or customer came to me.

Do not pitch bloggers.

Be The Hunted, not The Hunter.

Chase nobody. Develop posture. Get so busy creating helpful content and connecting with pros that opportunities flow to you freely after months and years of creating and connecting.

So yeah; before you pitch a blogger an idea, just don’t. Devote your energies to…..

2: Promote Bloggers without Asking for Anything

Last month someone reached out to me asking for me to be a guest on his podcast.

I agreed gratefully.

He turned around and said first I needed to invite him into my Triberr tribe; then we could talk.

I deleted the email and moved on.

Asking for something before you give instantly turns prospering generosity into self-serving greediness. Guaranteed, 9 of 10 established pros ignore your request – and you – resulting in you fading into oblivion.

Help top bloggers by doing these things:

  • commenting genuinely on their blogs
  • promoting them on social media
  • mentioning them on your blog

My friends Agness and Cez of ETramping graciously help me out by sharing my content and commenting on my posts. They ask for nothing in return.

When dwelling on bloggers to feature as being shining examples of free giving, each came to mind.

See how nicely this concept of free giving works? Free givers come to the forefront of your mind when prospering partnerships, business opportunities and co-promotional opportunities arise.

3: Persist

Step #2 is critical but only if applied persistently.

One silly blogger offered to promote my post via Twitter a few weeks ago only if I helped her out.

Dumb approach guys; impress established pros by paying your dues – like we did – by generously serving bloggers without looking for anything in return. The greedy, self-serving strategy used by most bloggers ensures you stay on the outside looking in, pitching strangers, falling into blogging oblivion.

Meanwhile, top bloggers pay their dues for years, dropping time and energy on their online tuition, befriending top bloggers by helping them without looking for anything in return.

Prove that you are genuinely interested in me; not in what I can do for you.

Most bloggers are not connected because they network terribly, trying to use top bloggers to further their agenda, attempting to manipulate these pros after 1 or 2 retweets, asking for a retweet or Facebook Share or guest post before persistently serving without looking for anything in return.

Give freely.

For a minute aka long time.

Ask for nothing in return.

Follow this approach for months then years to become highly connected in your niche.

Observe my friend Lisa Sicard at Inspire to Thrive.

She became super connected by helping top bloggers without looking for a darn thing in return, for many years.

Put your needs to the side. Help influential bloggers.

Prove that you are interested in building genuine, warm bonds with top pros. Also prove that you are not interested in what they can do for you after a few retweets or one mention on your blog.

Blogging eBook

If you want to become a connected blogger so business flows to you (to avoid pitching) buy my eBook:

13 Tips to Make Your Blogger Outreach Campaign Sizzle


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Comments to: 3 Things to Do Before Pitching a Blogger any Idea
  • Hi

    How uniquely you have described the tips to keep in mind before pitching any blogger.

    Very helpful blog.

    Thank you for sharing.. keep blogging!

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