
How Can You Find Work as an Amateur Writer?

Skills pay bills.

Ain’t no way around that one.

Skilled amateur writers get paid by writing, writing and writing tens of thousands of words, for practice. Open a Word document. Write your butt off. Do not stop writing until your fingers bleed.

Ok; joking about that one. Kinda. Let me be honest; my fingers hurt by the end of the day with the thousands of words I write online.

My freelance writing business is but a tiny part of my blogging business, but I made it the #1 income stream for me years ago.

How? I practiced writing my butt off both online and offline. Practicing writing gave me confidence, clarity and some serious writing skills.

Skilled writer me networked quite a bit through genuine blog commenting and by mentioning other bloggers on my blog. Some took note of my serious writing skills.

Some who needed a freelance writer hired me. I found work. But I did not really find work. I did not push a few rocks to the side, and, find freelance writing clients beneath rocks I turned over.

Nope. I genuinely busted my butt practicing my writing so CLIENTS WOULD FIND ME!

Capped. For a good reason. Most amateur writers screw up because most never practice writing, have no skills, and couldn’t impress a cockroach into hiring ’em. That’s right. A cockroach.

People expect to make money online without developing the proper skills to make money online. Why would a client hire you if you cannot write a lick?

Most amateur writers cannot write well. Why? Most amateur writers have not spent thousands of hours practicing their writing. I did, landed a sweet client base and made freelance writing my chief blogging income channel some 6-7 years ago.

Practice Writing Like Mad

Practice writing like the dickens. Seriously guys; practice to levels of “I gotta hire that guy-gal”, so when people come across your blog, see your writing and feel so impressed, that they hire you on the spot.

This is the secret many freelancers’ miss. People push their services, but their services are crap. Why advertise if you have nothing remarkable to advertise? Get so skilled, clear and confident, writing-wise, that people beat down your door to hire you.

My first client begged me to work with him. He demanded I do it. I took him up. Everything took off from there. Of course, I wrote hundreds of thousands of words for practice offline – and online of course – to develop my skills to that point.



Buy your domain and hosting. Publish helpful blog posts showing off your writing skills. Comment genuinely on blogs in your niche. Show off your writing skills on other blogger’s blogs.

Gobble up guest posting opportunities. Spread your word. Help fellow bloggers. Then….write your butt off by publishing helpful content to your blog on the regular.

Skilled bloggers who show off writing skills and network genuinely allow clients to find them as bees fly to honey. Again guys; write your butt off.

I cannot stress this enough. Skilled writers land clients. Skills, literally, pay the bills. Get skilled by publishing helpful content routinely. Show off your stuff. Land clients.


Invest in Resources

I wrote an eBook to help you become a successful freelance writer. Buy it:

How to Become a Successful Freelance Writer

Resources give you in-depth guides for following, to lend order to your mind. Invest money in strategies from successful, professional freelance writers.

Go from amateur to pro by learning how other amateurs went pro. I made not a coin through freelance writing for a minute. But following the techniques in my eBook helped me go pro and helps other amateur writers go pro, too.

Pay up to play up. Invest in pro resources to go pro, yourself.



See the journey through, guys. Be comfortable with being uncomfortable. Always remember why you want to become a professional writer who makes bank for rendering useful service. I betcha freedom plays some role in your dream life, eh? Remember your fun, freeing driver. Hold that reason near and dear to your heart. Go from being an amateur to a successful pro.

Written by Ryan Biddulph

Ryan Biddulph is a blogger, author, and world traveler who's been featured on Richard Branson's Virgin Blog, Forbes, Fox News, Entrepreneur, Positively Positive, Life Hack, John Chow Dot Com and Neil Patel Dot Com. He has written and self-published 126 bite-sized eBooks on Amazon and can help you build a successful blog at

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