Do Not Be Quick to Give Up on Blogging

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Do Not Be Quick to Give Up on Blogging

Bloggers give up on blogging at the drop of a hat.

Facing the tiniest bit of resistance scares most bloggers into giving up temporarily. Observe how bloggers surrender at the smallest blogging obstacles. Writer’s block cripples bloggers. Bloggers put blogging on hold because some imagined resistance scares them way too far outside of their comfort zone. How do you expect to succeed if you sprint away from success? How do you expect to free yourself if you give up the moment you face a little mental block?

No blogger goes pro by giving up on blogging quickly, easily and way too fast. Do not be quick to give up on blogging. Blogging commits to bloggers who commit to blogging.

In some ways, quitting bloggers have some nerve to call themselves bloggers. Case in point; picture someone who buys their domain and hosting but blogs for 3 hours every 3 months. Do you consider yourself a blogger because you spent 3 hours out of 3 months blogging? That does not sound like a blogger to me. That sounds like someone who purchased their domain and hosting to cover at least 3 months. Other than having the money to do that and flashing your credit or debit card to do it, not too many skills go into spending a few bucks to own your blog.

But stocking your blog with helpful content by committing 100% to blogging is a different story. Bloggers commit to blogging. Bloggers go all in. Do not quit so easily. Do not quit so fast. Commit to blogging. Take your time to work your way through mental blocks. We all face resistance. I have blogged for 12 years. I began blogging in 2008. Yet here I am at 12:12 AM on a Friday morning after a long day, writing this guest post. I love blogging. But I feel a bit uncomfortable now. Again; this is the type of commitment required to be a professional blogger and to keep growing consistently.

Being all in demands that you blog mainly for fun and freedom because fun-loving bloggers who enjoy being free make uncomfortable decisions to blog through thick and thin. Blogging for fun inspires you to make scary, uncomfortable decisions. Blogging mainly for fun prevents you from quitting blogging for the dreaded money reason. Imagine blogging mainly to make money. What happens if you do not make a dime after 3 months? You quit. Why delude yourself into believing you can prosper before putting in work to develop skills, exposure and credibility enough to succeed online?

Ground yourself in reality. Good things require time, generous effort, patience and persistence. You better love blogging for blogging’s sake because it will be a while before money rolls in. No one succeeds until earning the right to succeed. Earning the right to succeed involves crazy amounts of effort, patience and persistence. Most bloggers give up before earning the right to succeed. But if you see the blogging journey through you can experience a life of fun, freedom and expansion you never knew, as you become a professional blogger.

Think about freedom every time you face fear. Do not give up freedom because of fear. Face the discomfort. Being free is worth feeling uncomfortable for a few moments. I happily write until 12:30 AM now in order to extend my life of freedom as I circle the globe. Does feeling a bit of fear seem worth being free to circle the globe for years?


Do you need to develop a successful blogging mindset?

I wrote an eBook to help you.

Buy it here:

Creating the Mindset of a Successful Blogger

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