
Do You Attract Tire Kickers or Customers and Clients?

Observe your blogging campaign.

Who do you predominantly attract to your blog? Do freebie-seekers kick the tires, look around, then move on without spending a cent? Or do you attract a steady stream of customers and clients who freely invest money in your products and services? Everything is on you. Everything depends on the signal you emit to the universe.

I came across a few bloggers as I mass unfollow tens of thousands of folks on Twitter who stressed the free element of various parts of their blogging campaign. Advertising a free eBook download, free Facebook Group to join or free consultation draws in people who want freebies. People who follow you because you promote the free nature of your blog have little to no money to spend in most cases.

Do you believe freebie-seeking tire kickers are the ideal audience for building a thriving blogging business? Of course not. Freebie seekers want free content because freebie seekers fear spending money. People who fear spending money rarely if ever become customers and/or clients. If few or none of your readers become customers or clients you cannot become a professional blogger.

The solution is in you. Have posture by not stressing the free element of various aspects of your blogging campaign. Emit an abundant, prospering signal to attract well-heeled folks who freely pay for your products and services. Think like an entrepreneur who builds a serious business. Target prospering readers to stop attracting tire-kicking, cheapie readers who solely want free content.

Some readers will only consume your free content without ever becoming clients or customers. Accept this perfectly normal aspect of being a professional blogger. But attract an ever-expanding stable of clients and customers by patiently, persistently and clearly figuring out how you appeal to freebie seekers so you can change these qualities of your blogging campaign.

Shifting from fear and scarcity to love and abundance feels uncomfortable sometimes but always leads to greater freedom. Own your blogging skills. Be confident. Knowing your worth gives you the posture to charge premium rates and not to give away your time for free, business-wise. Free giveaways, free consultations, free eBooks and all that free stuff tends to draw in people who expect freebies and never want to pay for anything. Do you believe these folks will readily grow your blogging business? Be generous with your free content but be posturing with your income streams.

Do not work for free because you run a business, not a charity. Since you already published a high volume of valuable, free content, you proved yourself, your worth and your skills. Your credibility is intact. Charge premium rates. Have posture. Allow increased business – through customers and clients – to flow your way. Stop pandering to people who want things for free to align with people who gladly gobble things up for pay.

Everything changes when you change. Be comfortable with being uncomfortable. Face fears influencing you to push your free offerings. You are good enough. Feel whole and complete. Feel deserving of success and prosperity.

Clear out fears to allow in greater success, freedom and abundance. Once you feel deserving, abundant and complete, you will align with more prospering people.

Send out a loud, clear signal to abundant people. Scrap the freebie push. Promote your premium income streams freely.



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Written by Ryan Biddulph

Ryan Biddulph is a blogger, author, and world traveler who's been featured on Richard Branson's Virgin Blog, Forbes, Fox News, Entrepreneur, Positively Positive, Life Hack, John Chow Dot Com and Neil Patel Dot Com. He has written and self-published 126 bite-sized eBooks on Amazon and can help you build a successful blog at

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