
Do You Need to Leave Your Blogging Circles?

I recall old skool me. I surrounded myself with nice, kind bloggers who did not believe in themselves. These bloggers suffered from underdog syndrome. What is underdog syndrome? Bloggers see themselves as underdogs, trying to overcome impossible obstacles, working like absolute beasts to get past these shackles. Most of these bloggers suffer from imposter syndrome, too. Ditto for many of these bloggers suffering from the perfection curse. All of these bloggers need to be perfect, editing their posts 5-10 times, going overboard, because they fear they are not good enough.

I had to leave these folks behind. Nothing personal. My success was at stake. Everyone around me worked so freaking hard to try to succeed. I emulated these folks. Not a good look. I had to move out of those blogging circles to be:

  • posturing
  • confident
  • clear
  • trusting
  • knowing

to become a more successful blogger.

Letting go these folks felt a bit uncomfortable. I felt awkward. Some folks were not too happy about the release. I blocked a few and moved on. Not my problem. Not my issue. I simply had to move on because I had to leave that energy behind, moving into a more posturing, confident blogging circle.

Now, bloggers I befriend and surround myself with emit a confident, posturing, trusting vibe. I had to enter into these circles to leave my old way of blogging behind.

How about yourself? Do you need to move into new blogging circles? Do you find most blogging buddies seem to be negative, complaining and whining about their campaigns? Let them go. Perhaps you vibed with them during their newbie blogger days and your newbie blogger days. But you decided to grow. You chose to do freeing, uncomfortable things, for a long time, to increase your traffic and profits. You chose to grow. They did not. Let them go. Grow. Simple. But highly uncomfortable, because letting go blogging friendships means you need to establish new blogging friendships.

Hey; it is part of the game. Letting go precedes growing. Be prepared to let go routinely. Do you surround yourself with bloggers who work like beasts, who try like heck to overachieve, and who never seem to be good enough? Time to make some new blogging buddies. Simply let go bloggers you outgrew, resonance-wise. Begin commenting genuinely on top blogs in your niche. Seek out compassionate, genuine bloggers who generously serve their communities. Befriend these pros. Befriend their readers. Keep networking in these circles. Spend your networking attention and energy hanging out with these folks.

For me, feeling better inspired me to make this permanent blogger networking change. I let go lower energy bloggers – nothing personal – and felt so much better hanging with higher energy bloggers. No sense feeling bad, right? Anytime someone followed up for the 3rd or 4th time after I did not reply to prior messages or emails, I blocked them, to save their time and to save my time. We both win. Even if the lower energy blogger feels rejected, angry or upset, this is the mindful, posturing way to go.

Again guys; this is never personal. People move into and out of friendships in various aspects of their lives for any number of reasons. Look at blogging the same way. As you grow, you need to let go for your fun, freedom and fulfillment.


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Written by Ryan Biddulph

Ryan Biddulph is a blogger, author, and world traveler who's been featured on Richard Branson's Virgin Blog, Forbes, Fox News, Entrepreneur, Positively Positive, Life Hack, John Chow Dot Com and Neil Patel Dot Com. He has written and self-published 126 bite-sized eBooks on Amazon and can help you build a successful blog at

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