
Do You Understand How to Grow Your Blogging Business?

Someone commented on one of my guest posts recently.

He congratulated me on my guest post. He proceeded to promote his business via a lengthy comment. I applaud his business. I appreciate his hustle. But he went about growing his business the wrong way. He tried to grow his blogging business by promoting his business in the wrong spot. Blog comments need to relate to blog post topics. Comments off topic seem to be spam to virtually all bloggers. Business-themed comments not related to blog post topics seem to be spam 100% of the time.

Do you understand how to grow your blogging business?

Follow this basic primer:

  • help people for free through your content
  • persist
  • be patient
  • increase your skills, exposure and credibility
  • grow your blogging business the right way

Observe my guest post. Readers digest the post. I prove my mettle through my guest post. Some readers trust me after reading the post. Other readers buy the eBook I promote at the end of the post. I help you for free. I help you for pay. People trust me based on helpful free content I publish. People see me as being credible. People buy eBooks and courses from credible bloggers. Build your blogging business on attraction. Practice. Develop skills. Help people through content. Earn trust. Increase profits to boost your blogging business.

What Is the Challenge?

Generously, patiently and persistently creating content consumes 1000’s of hours spanning years of your life. I see this as a challenge. People want results yesterday. Bloggers desire overnight success. Spamming follows. Quitting follows.

Observe the spammer whose comment I deleted a few moments ago. Spammers do not want to develop the skills necessary to build your blogging business the right way. Time is precious; impatient, desperate, greedy bloggers convince themselves spamming is a time-saving strategy to boost blogging profits. But spammers struggle for their entire spamming run. Either spammers learn their lesson and stop spamming or keep spamming and struggle forever.

Blogging the right way purges fears on your journey. I faced, felt and released deep money fears building my blogging business the right way. No one avoids facing fears blogging the right way because every human doubts themselves sometimes before money shows up. Imagine blogging for 6-12 months without earning a penny. Imagine earning $500 after a year of publishing 1-3 blog posts daily. Both seem to be clear possibilities because pro bloggers reported each scenario.

Good things take time and generous service. Money flows in slowly, responding to increasing skills, exposure and credibility. Either embrace the discomfort to eventually go pro or quit. Everything depends on your willingness to see the journey through. Everything rests on your full commitment to doing things the right way for a long time to grow your blogging business. Either do it the right way to grow something special or do things the wrong way to struggle, fail and eventually quit.

Blogging itself cares not because blogging simply gives you what you give blogging. Blogging is the ultimate mirror. Watch blogging reflect back to you whatever you give to blogging from an energy and time perspective.

Help people for free through your content. Imagine if the spamming blogger wrote a collection of helpful blog posts. People would buy his stuff and hire him based on the quality of his content. Attraction marketing increases blogging business passively. People buy your stuff or hire you based on the quality of your content.

Doesn’t that sound more effective than spamming bloggers?


Do you feel a little confused on your beginner blogger journey?

I wrote an eBook for you.

Buy it here:

Blogging for Beginners: 6 Tips to Help You Avoid the Nightmares I Faced

Written by Ryan Biddulph

Ryan Biddulph is a blogger, author, and world traveler who's been featured on Richard Branson's Virgin Blog, Forbes, Fox News, Entrepreneur, Positively Positive, Life Hack, John Chow Dot Com and Neil Patel Dot Com. He has written and self-published 126 bite-sized eBooks on Amazon and can help you build a successful blog at

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