Do You Use the Secret Blogging Weapon of Patience?


Do You Use the Secret Blogging Weapon of Patience?

Every successful blogger I know shows great patience.

Being patient is the secret blogging weapon. How do I know? Most bloggers show immense impatience. Masses of bloggers have no idea being patient makes one stark difference between successful and failing bloggers. Look around. Observe bloggers hellbent on getting rich quickly. Most want hacks, shortcuts and flat out the quickest ways to become professional bloggers. Each urge signals fear in mind manifest as impatience.

Meanwhile, aspiring pro bloggers slowly, calmly and patiently exhibit the secret blogging weapon to position themselves to go pro.

I struggled blogging-wise by being impatient. I succeeded blogging-wise by being patient. Everything fell apart during my impatient days. Everything came together during my patient days.

Why does patience seem to be a great blogging secret? Pros may drill ideas of patience into amateur blogger minds but few accept the idea of being patient. Most bloggers nod in one breath but impatiently rush forward to become pro bloggers in as little time as possible. Unfortunately, these bloggers rarely seem to embrace the blogging secret, the idea of patience being alien to them.

Being patient means simply allowing your work – between creations and connections – to grow organically. Picture each blog post and guest post you publish being a seed you plant for a tree. Watering the seed and ensuring the seed gets enough sunlight does not speed up the growth process; being patient allows the seed to grow organically, in its own time.

Being a patient blogger means allowing a blog post or guest post to grow organically, not forcing or rushing the process. Perhaps you tweet an old blog post. Maybe you link to the old blog post via a new blog post you just published. Forget the SEO benefits of linking to old posts; patiently and steadily, blog traffic flows to old blog posts, boosting your overall blog traffic and maximizing business business.

But of course, most bloggers lack the patience to both inter link posts and to update old blog posts. Being impatient forces you to leave so much traffic on the table that you’d be sick if you realized how much your lack of patience cost you. The pro bloggers of the world know better. Pros know that being patient is a highly developed skill separating pros from all other bloggers.

I recall John Chow noting how he set up affiliate links for various products. He mentioned one product yielding $6 per sale. Old, impatient me assumed it seemed foolish to set up affiliate links for a product yielding 6 bucks but patient, pro blogger John Chow understand how 6 dollar sales made patiently and repeatedly over hundreds of blog posts spanning years accumulates into thousands of dollars.

He thinks ahead, patiently, because he has a vision. Do you wonder why he has made millions of dollars through blogging? Being patient played a big role in his blogging success.

Patience, Young Grasshopper. Relax your body. Relax your mind. Spend ample time patiently laying the foundation for a successful blogging campaign. Set time frames for years, not days or weeks. Good things require time and generous service. Being a visionary gives you annual timelines. Thinking in terms of years instantly makes you a patient blogger focused on a long haul approach to blogging.

I never think day to day now in terms of blogging or life. I find myself in the moment, focusing on the now, which keeps me increasingly patient. I do not try to squeeze as much out of today in a flurry of fear and impatience. I simply create, connect and allow my work to do what it does from a patient, calm energy.


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