
How Can You Better Build a Well Known Blogging Brand?

Do you want to distance yourself from all other bloggers?

Build a clear, well known brand.

Watch as I discuss:

Building a Star Brand

Going this route involves careful thought, deliberate planning and genuine consistence and persistence. But you need to be flexible to better build a superstar blogging brand. As you grow, your blog grows. As you face, feel and release fears, your brand naturally has to change. I closed blog comments after keeping comments open for years because me, my blog and my brand outgrew keeping blog comments open.

As I become busier, I need to evolve in order to keep growing. As I keep growing, I need to be flexible in changing my blogging brand. Case in point; I have been editing and updating all of my old blog posts the past few months. Since I have grow, evolved and morphed as a blogger, my brand needs to align only with the highest quality backlinks.

I am deleting or de-linking a hefty volume of irrelevant, lower quality links I linked to back in 2014 and 2015 because my blogging brand changed significantly since those days. Growing, facing and releasing many fears and simply getting clearer on the direction of my blog and brand allows my presence to expand more quickly.

My brand seems to be gaining exposure too, but only because I cut the strings to branding errors I made in the past, like linking to any blog, never considering relevance and link quality before linking. I am hyper vigilant of my linking strategy now because I am flexible in maintaining greater brand integrity.

How can you be a more flexible blogger in terms of building your brand? What blogging tasks need to go in order to make room for higher energy, brand-building activities? Perhaps you need to let go your prolific blog commenting campaign to make room for a more expansive, authority-building, guest posting campaign.

Whatever the shift you need to make, be flexible in making these changes to your blogging campaign. Open up. Think in new, expansive ways. Let go what you have outgrown to make room for what you need to grow into in order to build a rock solid foundation for a well-known blogging brand.

Assess how can you become a more flexible blogger now. Pinpoint how and where you have been rigid, stiff and unrelenting, blogging-wise. Do you feel a bit too entrapped within your comfort zone? How can you leave your blogging comfort zone to be a little bit more flexible? Being flexible involves taking small baby steps toward greater blogging success but those seemingly small steps force you out of rigidity into greater bending, opening up and acceptance of discomfort.

Be prepared to be a little bit more uncomfortable as you see new, fresh, expansive ways of branding yourself. Perhaps you clung to a free theme because you feared spending money on your theme. But the free, cheap-looking theme you currently use does not convey a professional brand image. Invest money in a professional-looking theme to build a more well-known, trusted blogging brand.

Being flexible to shift from your freebie approach to investing in a premium blog theme made the difference. Open up. See what changes you need to make with your blogging campaign. Be flexible even if it feels uncomfortable to open up. Stop being rigid. Be open to change to give your blogging brand greater exposure, credibility and power.


Do you need assistance with building a brand online?

I wrote an eBook to help you.

Buy it here:

7 Online Branding Boo Boos (and How to Fix Them)

Written by Ryan Biddulph

Ryan Biddulph is a blogger, author, and world traveler who's been featured on Richard Branson's Virgin Blog, Forbes, Fox News, Entrepreneur, Positively Positive, Life Hack, John Chow Dot Com and Neil Patel Dot Com. He has written and self-published 126 bite-sized eBooks on Amazon and can help you build a successful blog at

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