
How Commitment Saved Joan & Joe’s Marriage

How Commitment Can Save Marriages

Ever wondered how commitment saves peoples marriages? Listen up!

Joan, a very beautiful and tall lady, she’s the kind of woman most guys want to be with. She is shaped and molded by nature itself, her cute pointed nose stood right there in her face her lips full and attractive.

Her hips are completely out of this world. She has a very sexy and extremely beautiful physical look, which had its way of bringing men from different and high classes to her.

Apart from Joan’s beautiful physical look, she’s one woman who has given herself to continuous personal development. Her wisdom draws people to her like a magnet.

Her brains are obviously decorated with knowledge. Who doesn’t want a woman who’s both physically and emotionally beautiful? A countless number of men wanted to gain their way into her heart.

Even though some of them cannot even handle such beauty and brain. Joan was ready for marriage, but she wasn’t under pressure. She took her time and finally got whom she wanted.

One year later, Joan got married to Joe—a cool and wisdom filled man. Marriage life began. Babies came in and the family expanded.

Many times, the couple would have fights and qualms. There were times when they were both ready to file in for a divorce. Those times came when some friends and family ganged up to cause a break in the family.

For reasons, best known to the gang. Joan and Joe’s marriage was a beautiful one, but you know, it had its own share of tough storms. But only one thing kept this couple safe. Even when they both had thoughts of divorce, just one thing kept them together.

When their pasts came knocking, one thing kept them bond. When bad friends tried to pull them apart, for one reason they couldn’t let each other go. So many things happened—bad enough to make Joan and Joe separate but they stood for the love they once shared. But what was that one thing that kept them?

  • Their marriage vows? No, not that!
  • Their children? No, it wasn’t it.

What kept them then? From my close examination, I pictured they kept one attitude which is capable of standing against all storms. One attitude which makes great things happen even unto the most little. That attitude is the attitude of commitment.

Commitment makes the smallest the greatest. Commitment keeps every marriage through all the storm (but in this case, both couples have to commit. One person’s commitment alone can hardly keep a marriage).

  • Commitment keeps dreams alive.
  • Commitment changes the world.
  • Commitment works for everyone.
  • Commitment doesn’t know age or size.
  • Commitment brings you success.

What Exactly Does the Word “Commitment” Entail?

I love defining commitment this way:

Commitment means choosing to choose just one thing and stick to it, not minding whether there is an alternative or not. In fact, when you are committed to anything, you become blind to options and alternatives.

In commitment, you don’t get options, alternatives are not given. It is either your 100% or your nothing.

Now you see why Joan’s marriage didn’t fail despite all storms?

Commitment is 100% of your all.

Now, you may not be married, but trust me you are pregnant.

Huh? How can I? This writer must be daydreaming!

Don’t worry, I am writing with my senses. Just keep walking this article with me, you’ll thank me later. Now, the pregnancy I referred to is your dreams.

Yeah, we are all pregnant with our God-given potentials which we must give birth. We must develop and realize them, now you understand right?

Alright, back to our commitment discussion.

4 Attributes of Commitment

Commitment Has No Alternative

Like I said before, once a person gets himself committed to a thing he becomes blind to options and alternatives. Once he begins to see options then he’s lost commitment.

Not just that, once a person begins to see options he tends to pick the easier but a not-so-good option, which doesn’t bring success in the long run. Those shortcut options only bring shortcut success.

And shortcut successes require very little or no commitment. True commitment doesn’t give you options, not even one. Commitment is jealous—you have to give your all or your nothing. You have to choose it above many other things. But, commitment pays—it rewards those who love it with all their heart and works.

Commitment brings huge success.

Commitment Never Gives Up

That’s another amazing attribute of commitment—it never gives up. Commitment brings focus, and once you have focus, you dare not give up. It won’t just work.

Joan and Joe were tired of their marriage, they wanted a divorce. They were tired and sick of living together, but they held on. As much as they wanted a divorce, deep down they both were not ready to give up on the love that brought them together.

They never gave up!

The result? One thing led to another and they found out how much they still loved each other. They became two lovebirds. Their marriage blossomed and love came alive again. That’s the power of staying committed.

Once you are committed to your dreams, you’ll never give up on it and of course, the end shall be glorious. Commitment is a very romantic lover—it knows how to love back those who first loved it. And it loves extremely.

Hey! Hold on, never give up on that plan. Stay committed, it will pay back soon.

Commitment Gives Absolute Attention

All of your attention is fixed on something you are truly committed to. You no longer have to do things just the way you want. You must have to consider that thing which you are committed to before making decisions.

Wonder why couples do not just make decisions alone?

They have to talk with their partner before taking certain steps. That is commitment. Commitment gets your attention.
Commitment influences your decisions. But, Commitment helps you make the right choice.

Commitment Begins With a Deliberate Decision

You know, it’s almost impossible for one to just start being committed, all of a sudden. Commitment doesn’t fall from the sky—it emerges from deliberate decisions. If anyone has to be committed, he must have to make a deliberate and solid decision to stay true to his dreams or plans.

Commitment is a thing of the heart. How intentional you are with your decisions determines how committed you’ll be. If you are married and reading this now, I dare you to get more committed to your marriage. Do you have dreams and goals you wish realize soon? Decide today to be totally committed to it.

Get yourself blind. Blind to every option and alternative.


Choose that thing you want to make work in your life. It might be more than just one thing, it could be two, three or more.

Pick them, make the tough decision to be committed and stick to it.

Give it your BEST. Give your ALL.

Your Turn

Have you ever been committed to something before?

How were you able to do that?

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Written by Chidera Ochuagu

Chidera is a Writer, Speaker and Teen Life Coach who helps teenagers find their fire and become the best version of themselves. She is the founder of Smart Teens Network. A platform dedicated to raising the next teen generational leaders.

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