How Quickly Do You Give Up on Blogging?


How Quickly Do You Give Up on Blogging?

Blogging becomes rewarding for persistent bloggers who follow the basics.

Blogging becomes difficult – then flat out impossible – for bloggers who quit on the basics. Some bloggers give up on blogging. How can you succeed if you give up before giving any real effort to blogging?

Observe yourself in the light of truth. How quickly and easily do you give up on blogging? Giving up the moment you feel uncomfortable signals a serious blogging problem. Growth, success and freedom flows to you well outside of your comfort zone. No one succeeds by making comfortable blogging decisions over years. But most bloggers struggle because the blogging masses give up on blogging after edging into a little bit of writer’s block, after the first rejection and after 3-6 months of following the blogging fundamentals.

How can you turn things around? How can you see the blogging journey through?

Follow these tips.

Pick a Freeing and Fun Driver

I have virtually zero issues persisting with blogging. I love having fun and being free to circle the globe. But do not assume I persist because I am living my dreams already; I had to blog for fun and freedom well before living my dreams through blogging. Blogging gets easier if you blog for fun and freedom, even if discomfort greets you. Blog for fun. Blog for freedom. Only you know what fun and freedom goads you to edge outside of your comfort zone. Whether blogging from home with your family or circling the globe like me, pick your version of fun and freedom to never quit on blogging.

Set Realistic Expectations

Bloggers often set wild, unrealistic expectations as newbies.

How do you expect to persist if you do not reach goals quickly?

Most bloggers give up on blogging as reality quickly sets in. I almost quit blogging 2 days into my career. My wife convinced me off of the ledge, explaining how I would learn it all and succeed after a long time. I became completely intimidated by the volume of learning and work required to master blogging; I had big goals to achieve, fast! How could I make big bucks fast if I had to spend a long time learning, practicing and mastering blogging?

Being realistic about my expectations stabilized my energy for years and many 1000’s of blogging hours. I never quit on blogging because I knew blogging success would be a slow, steady journey of doing simple things daily over years. Why quit on a gig I experienced slow, steady success, through? Blogging became easier for me. I never wanted to quit. Everything expanded but only because I had realistic expectations.

Reign in your expectations. Be realistic. No worries; you can and will live your wildest dreams but set long time frames filled with ample, intelligent, generous work to live your dreams through blogging.

Surround Yourself with Pro Bloggers

Pros offer you:

  • inspiration
  • wisdom
  • support
  • love
  • knowledge
  • honesty

in seeing your blogging journey through over years.

Picture yourself being completely frustrated with your blogging campaign. Quitting crosses your mind. But surrounding yourself with pros reminds you every pro experienced frustration during their amateur days. Every blogger slams into obstacles, considers quitting and questions their blogging campaign at least a few times during their career. Pros remind you of these truths to keep you moving along in graceful fashion during tough blogging times.

Listen to these mentors. Pro bloggers have experience to share. Perhaps you are making an easy to correct mistake leading to frustration and failure. Learn from the best to keep blogging through tough times.


Do you need a strong nudge to commit to your goals?

Buy my eBook:

How to Commit to Your Goals 1000%

Comments (6)

  1. Absolute post, Ryan!
    Many amateur bloggers often give up on Blogging when they didn’t get the expected results in a couple of months. They often set unrealistic expectations that most of the time hurt them. Blogging takes time and for it, a blogger needs to understand the basics first before thinking of the results.
    Thanks for exploring the truth, Ryan.

    1. Nitin, you definitely know the drill bro. This is a long term gig. Thanks much.

  2. Thanks for sharing. Gonna buy your ebook.

    1. Thanks David. Much appreciated.

  3. Great post! I am noticing that this affects bloggers and authors alike. Especially the part about burning out after going full steam ahead for 3-6 months straight! So as you mentioned, setting realistic goals is the key here!

    1. Arielle thanks much for reading.


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