
How to Guarantee Most People Ignore Your Blogging Pitches

Never build bonds with bloggers. Ignore fellow bloggers. Right up until the moment you need their help. From that moment, begin asking them for help out of the blue. Simply email them. Or DM them. Or @reply them on Twitter. Or comment on a Facebook update of theirs. Or Message these folks. Be a stranger. Never reach out. Never help someone out. Be scarce. Develop no bond. Do nothing to endear yourself to people. Then, out of the blue, reach out to ask for help.

Guaranteed, almost every time, bloggers ignore your blogging pitches if you ignore them until you need something from them, or, until you ask something of them. or, you need them to get you something. Bloggers disappear from my experience for weeks, months or years. 2 years down the road these bloggers reach out to me via email or Messenger. Strangers. I have no idea who they are. I simply see them as a stranger. But strangers still pitch me all types of opportunities, business ventures, link exchanges and all manner of opportunities. I ignore every single stranger pitch because I only engage people who earned the right to get my attention.

Rewind the prior line.

I only engage people who earned the right to get my attention. People who earned the right to get my attention earned my trust. People who earned my trust helped me out and asked for nothing in return for a long period of time. Everything begins if you earn my trust because I see you want to get to know me, and help me, versus trying to manipulate me into doing something for you.

The bloggers who pitch me blindly – sans building a bond with me – simply never grab my attention for more than a split second. In more extreme cases, I block folks or label emails spam or junk. I have no time and energy for strangers who try to get something for nothing from me. I have all the time in the world for bloggers who generously help me without looking for anything in return. Everything happens seamlessly if you get lost in helping people without looking for much in return.

How it works; help bloggers freely. Comment genuinely on blogs in your niche. Promote bloggers on your blog. Promote bloggers through social media. Ask for nothing in return. Expect nothing in return. Allow bonds to form organically. Be patient. Be persistent. Eventually, you will befriend bloggers. What happens when your dear blogging buddy reaches out to you? You listen closely to a blogging friend. Perhaps you will only agree to a few pitches but at least you hear them out.

Even better? Blogging buddies organically promote and endorse skilled blogging buddies. I freely endorse and promote skilled blogging buddies of mine without them even asking me for a thing. Friends take care of friends. Heck; in most cases, none of my friends pitch me at all because my blogging buddies are super duper happy with how much I help them organically. This is the chief benefit of building blogging friendships. Blogging buddies help each other succeed organically.

No connected blogger ever has to pitch a blogger for anything; success flows to connected bloggers freely and quite easily. Putting in time and generous service makes the difference. Generously help fellow bloggers for a long time. Be accepted versus rejected. In rare moments if you proactively reach out to help, more than a few blogging buddies gladly assist you on your blogging journey.


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Written by Ryan Biddulph

Ryan Biddulph is a blogger, author, and world traveler who's been featured on Richard Branson's Virgin Blog, Forbes, Fox News, Entrepreneur, Positively Positive, Life Hack, John Chow Dot Com and Neil Patel Dot Com. He has written and self-published 126 bite-sized eBooks on Amazon and can help you build a successful blog at

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