
How to Keep Blogging Despite Criticism from Family and Friends

Persisting with your blog despite criticism from family and friends is often the final blogging frontier.

Some aspiring bloggers throw in the towel the moment a close family member tells them to “get a real job”, out of pure shame.

Other bloggers see the journey through until facing some immense hardship, quitting when times get tough and family or friends advise you to “play it safe” and quit the “silly blogging bit”.

From personal experience, I made a few tough decisions my family could not understand during my blogging career.

Even during stressful times I could see that following my dreams would help me be of greatest benefit to the world.

Follow these tips to keep blogging despite criticism from family and friends.

The World Is Your Family

Sometimes, you feel pressured to do something in the name of duty to your blood relatives.

But we are all One. We are all family.

Whether you see the human race as a family or all sentient beings as being One, simply accepting this freeing fact instantly helps you make the choice leading to the greater good of humanity.

If your mom or dad persistently pressures you to quit blogging to get a real job you frame their criticism differently; getting a real job also means spending 40 to 60 hours weekly – or more – giving your attention and energy to surviving, versus creating something freeing, inspired, inspirational and of greatest benefit to the world, your real family.

Do not play small. Do not cower to criticism from family and friends, even if their barbs sting the most.

The world needs you to hone your special gifts to be a bright light amid the darkness of illusory fear, scarcity, lack, and limitation.

Check out my friend Kimsea Sok.

He is an inspiring blogger from Cambodia who’s helping people from all over the globe build successful blogs.

Toss in the fact that he is shining super brightly for his Cambodian neighbors, being a pioneer in showing how they can build businesses online, and you have a guy who has proven that following your dreams benefits humanity.



All About Them Not About You.

Repeat that phrase to yourself 100 times if need be.

Critical family members project their unclear, fear-based view of life onto you, meaning the criticism has everything to do with them and nothing to do with you and your commitment to living your dreams.

Bloggers tend to take criticism personally, believing the critic is speaking about them and their lives. Not true.

All we say or do is our projection, meaning that critics actually criticize themselves, picking apart their lives, and choices, every time they open their mouths.

Embracing this truth helps you filter criticism through compassionate eyes; hurt people, hurt people.

Or hurt people attempt to hurt people, or perhaps to offer hurtful feedback that they believe is really helpful.


You Are Doing Something Good and Worthy

I have never come across a blogger blogging from a malicious, nasty, hateful intent.

Every single blogger I know wants to do something good, helpful and valuable for their readers.

Only the genuinely selfish or greedy friend or relative cannot see that what you are doing is helpful and good.

Some family members may try to guilt you for living your dreams. Pay them no mind. Do something worthy.

Render service through your blog. Inspire people to solve their problems and live their dreams.

Most of all, do not selfishly allow your fear of criticism to cause you to pull back on sharing your gifts with the world.

I cannot imagine how my life would be now if I turned around and bailed on blogging after some tough moments in my life.

Blogging is bigger than you, your fears and petty or jealous family members. Let them go.

If you want to turn blogging criticism into profits buy my eBook:

How to Turn Harsh Blogging Criticism into Sweet Blogging Profits: 11 Tips

Written by Ryan Biddulph

Ryan Biddulph is a blogger, author, and world traveler who's been featured on Richard Branson's Virgin Blog, Forbes, Fox News, Entrepreneur, Positively Positive, Life Hack, John Chow Dot Com and Neil Patel Dot Com. He has written and self-published 126 bite-sized eBooks on Amazon and can help you build a successful blog at

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