
Nudge Deeper into Blogging Discomfort

Slamming into a physical and mental block today, I nudged just a little bit beyond.

Sure it felt frustrating to see my mind fighting me. Resistance set in. I noted my keyboard acting funny. Typing slowed down. Like a little delay. So I cleared my cache. Hmm….a bit of a difference but still a bit on the slow side. Slowing down my typing – you heard me, Chromebook – slows down my work. Oh well.

I nudge beyond, a little further and blogging seems easier tonight. Compared to earlier today. That is the funny thing about blogging. Or life. Nudging a few centimeters outside of your comfort zone feels unpleasant but yields easier blogging waters ahead.

Nudge. Slow down. Relax. But edge forward. Even edging the tiniest of distances makes a difference because you dissolve a bit of resistance in the process. Be a little comfortable with being uncomfortable. Give yourself that blogging gift. All genuine blogging growth occurs an inch or so at a time.

Never stop the moment things get tough. Why do you give up so easily? Most bloggers mail it in at the drop of a hat. Why in the heck do you do that? Believe in yourself! Believe in yourself over resistance, mental blocks and those little annoyances that pull you off track for a few moments.

I took off about 24 minutes from blogging this afternoon to handle something that likely flips out most bloggers. Why? I had to do it. But just because I did it and faced the resistance means not I take off the rest of the day. Blogging is awesome. But blogging is no joke. Blogging needs you to nudge further into fear because all the easier aspects of blogging meet you on the other side of fear.

Blogging seems easy at first. Then, super tough. Then, impossible. But bloggers who nudge into super tough, impossible feelings realize blogging is not super tough or impossible for sustained periods. This blogging game just introduces you to deep fears and other emotions needing triggering, for clearing.

The journey for blogging is between the ears. How you blog depends on how you choose to think, feel and act. Nudge forward. Edge forward. Lean in a little bit to think, feel and act like a winner.

That’s it. Nudge further guys. You see exactly what I mean. Blogging gets easier after blogging feels harder and you still keep going.

Check out my eBook:

6 Things You Absolutely Need on Your Blog

How did I find out about these things you need on your blog? Why, by trial and error, of course. How? Well, by nudging out of my comfort zone, into terribly difficult emotions, to become hyper aware of my feelings, my fears and, of what works and what does not work, when it comes to blogging.

You and I learn the best blogging lessons when things get tough. Little seems learned when you and I take the easy, painless, comfortable path because we face no fear and experience no growth. All it takes is just a tiny nudge. No big time push required. No super natural, unreal, massive quantum leap is required either.

Simply do what you need to do, to go just a bit beyond, and you will learn all you need to learn, and as an added bonus, blogging gets easier after facing your fears.

I believe deeply in you. I know you can and will succeed. Now it is your turn. Believe in yourself. I cannot will you to believe in you. But maybe I can alert you to some brimming potential present in yourself. At day’s end, it is your call. You choose.

I figure you will choose potential and promise over problems and power-less-ness, because you stuck around to read this much of my guest post. Why not just run with this advice?

Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Follow some habits to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Meditating can go a long way in developing this skill. Sitting with your fidgeting versus getting distracted and walking away helps you be comfortable in uncomfortable situations.

Apply to blogging. Be golden. Win.

Written by Ryan Biddulph

Ryan Biddulph is a blogger, author, and world traveler who's been featured on Richard Branson's Virgin Blog, Forbes, Fox News, Entrepreneur, Positively Positive, Life Hack, John Chow Dot Com and Neil Patel Dot Com. He has written and self-published 126 bite-sized eBooks on Amazon and can help you build a successful blog at

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