
Solo Blogging Versus Making Blogging Buddies

Solo bloggers try to do everything on their own. Solo bloggers attempt to figure it all out on their own, too.

Solo bloggers run into problems, get stuck and have no idea who to trust to solve their problems because they have no trusted buddies. Bloggers who do it by themselves never know where to look for trusted resources because having no friends means no one brings you trusted resources via word of mouth marketing. Lone wolf bloggers write and publish posts, sit there and observe nothing much happening. Some solo bloggers drive search traffic by being skilled SEO bloggers but this crowd fades because even Google demands bloggers do outreach right to acquire organic, high quality backlinks.

Solo bloggers usually struggle, fail and quit. A select few succeed but do not enjoy the ride much because how can you enjoy the ride if you ride solo? Who do you share success with? Doesn’t it get incredibly lonely if no one seems to be around to celebrate your success with you? The rare solo blogger who succeeds suffers by hearing their success echo in a chamber, having no blogging buddies around for celebrating their success, for support, for help and for inspiration.

Making blogging buddies changes your life in ways you cannot even imagine. Helping pro bloggers in your niche and asking for nothing in return lays the foundation for strong blogging friendships. Blogging buddies promote you around the clock. I will go to bed at roughly midnight tonight. From midnight until I wake up at between 9 AM and 10 AM, my blogging buddies will retweet my recent blog posts on Twitter, adding a passive element to my blogging campaign. I could never experience the freeing passive element of blogging going solo because no friends would be tweeting me around the clock.

Connected bloggers influence their blogging buddies to hire them, to buy their stuff and to endorse them, but all occurring organically. Trusting blogging buddies who value your friendship and knowledge buy your stuff, hire you and endorse you without you ever asking these folks to do these generous things. Such is the power of building a large, loyal blogging buddy network over years. Being generous opens many prospering doors as far as growing your blogger friend network.

Making blogging buddies makes life easier because 100 is better than 1. The efforts of 100 blogging friends beats your singular efforts. The efforts of even 5 blogging buddies beats your singular efforts because 5 beats 1. Everything gets easier if friends amplify your success exponentially. Everything gets tougher if you try to blog solo. How can you land a high number of guest posting gigs on respected blogs by blogging solo? Most respected bloggers perceive you to be a stranger, and outsider, do not trust you and simply ignore your guest post requests.

Meanwhile, connected bloggers who generously made blogging buddies over years organically get invited to guest post on buddies’ respected blogs. Or connected bloggers ask their friends, “Who wants a guest post?”, and requests fly in quickly.

Network generously. Do not bother blogging solo. Being a blogging lone wolf leads to failure mostly and even if you succeed, you do not genuinely enjoy a lonely journey. Blogging buddies make the journey fun, freeing and add a passive element to both your traffic and profits. Doesn’t that sound like a more enjoyable experience than being a blogging lone wolf?


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Written by Ryan Biddulph

Ryan Biddulph is a blogger, author, and world traveler who's been featured on Richard Branson's Virgin Blog, Forbes, Fox News, Entrepreneur, Positively Positive, Life Hack, John Chow Dot Com and Neil Patel Dot Com. He has written and self-published 126 bite-sized eBooks on Amazon and can help you build a successful blog at

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