
What Is the Quickest Way for New Writers to Defeat Writer’s Block?



Write some more.

Write some more after that.

If you sit down to write a blog post now and writer’s block seems to bedevil you, sit in front of your lap top for the next 30 minutes.

This is what usually happens:

  • you feel frustrated
  • you feel angry
  • you feel hopeless
  • you feel annoyed
  • you feel like you will never be a good writer
  • you experience 304 other fear-based emotions
  • you visit Netflix, fire up your favorite show and ditch the blog post

Most new writers struggle because they make no commitment to being a successful writer.

A few new writers take the quick, uncomfortable, freeing path to being a successful writer who slaps writer’s block in the face; they write, and write, and write some more. But if they sit in front of a computer to write, and words do not flow, versus ditching the writing session and blog post, said writers stick around and feel the misery of the emotions fueling writer’s block.

Something neat happens; the emotions arise. You may pound your fist into the table. Or maybe you tear up for a few seconds. Then the emotions pass. All passes. Including your feelings. As the emotions pass, you will eventually attract blog post ideas. But not until you face, embrace and feel the fear-filled feelings fueling writer’s block.

No way around feeling these feelings, because the only way to dissolve writer’s block as a newbie writer is by sitting with the feelings feeding the mental block. Starve the fire of oxygen and the flames die. Starve writer’s block of its fear and not only does writer’s block die, but blog post ideas will knock at your mind’s door.



New writers can solve writer’s block quickly but need to feel the fear fueling writer’s block, which is highly uncomfortable. Most humans avoid feeling uncomfortable feelings. Most writers would rather turn on Netflix than deal with uncomfortable emotions. The few who sit with their fears, feeling these unpleasant energies, become highly prolific down the road.


Every time you feel and release writer’s block fears you allow in blog post ideas and write the blog post.

Every time you feel and release writer’s block fears you sit down to practice writing 1,000 words daily in a Word document.

Every day you write 1,000 words in a Word document for practice and every time you write and publish a blog post you get valuable writing practice. Writers who practice writing daily – especially newbies – defeat writer’s block.

My Day

On a lazy Sunday, this is the 3rd blog post I am writing today. I wrote one post for my blog, 1 for Blogging Tips, 1 post for here and I will write 1 night blog post for Blogging From Paradise.

4 blog posts like a habit. In my sleep. Routine.

But to reach this point I wrote millions of words during my 10 years working my online business.

Writing millions of words required me to sit with highly unpleasant feelings fueling my writer’s block as a newbie blogger.

There is no other way around it.

If you want to get past writer’s block as a newbie, lose the limiting belief of “Hey these writing tips work for veterans, but what about new writers?” That is a limiting belief, fueled by doubt and fear, that a new writer cannot sit with their fear. Any human being can sit with their fear if you are ready, willing and open to sit with their fears.

Be with the Fears

If you want to slay writer’s block quickly be with the fears fueling the energy. Do not dodge the feelings.

Feel the fears and let the fears go and write.

Perhaps 60 minutes pass. You feel terrible. No ideas knock on your mind’s door.

Take a deep breath. Take a short break. But commit to return to your writing. Set an alarm for 1 hour in the future. Do something that feels good and peaceful, like going for a walk or hitting the gym, then when your alarm goes off, fire up your lap top and write.

Make writing a habit. Build a portion of every day around your writing.

The ideas will flow and you’ll become incredibly prolific – even as a newbie – when you commit 100% to being with, feeling and releasing your fears fueling writer’s block.

Writing eBook

If you want to launch your first eBook successfully buy my eBook:

7 Tips for First Time eBook Authors

Written by Ryan Biddulph

Ryan Biddulph is a blogger, author, and world traveler who's been featured on Richard Branson's Virgin Blog, Forbes, Fox News, Entrepreneur, Positively Positive, Life Hack, John Chow Dot Com and Neil Patel Dot Com. He has written and self-published 126 bite-sized eBooks on Amazon and can help you build a successful blog at

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