
Do You Have a Skills or Exposure Problem?

Some bloggers blog incredibly skillfully.

Writing? Awesome. Presentation? Top notch. Everything concerning their blog itself checks all boxes. But these bloggers often struggle terribly to drive traffic and profits. Why? Do you feel a bit frustrated, being in this boat of skilled, but failing, bloggers?

Psst….come in close. I have your solution. You may not want to hear it. But hugging this truth does wonders for your blogging campaign. Expect to sip sweet blogging success the split second you own your error, correct that boo boo and move in the opposite direction. What is the issue? You ain’t got a skills problem BUT you do have an exposure problem.

Nobody knows you. Nobody knows who you are. If you publish a brilliant, helpful blog, but nobody reads it, you do not have a blog. You have a cyber diary. How far do you get if only you read your blog? Not too far.

Most bloggers do an A-OK job in the skills department because writing and publishing a little bit of content over a short period of time is a fairly simple endeavor. Most bloggers have a horrible exposure problem because gaining massive exposure is a worthy goal, a challenging thing to aim for. Write and publish one blog post. OK. Cool. Most of you can do that.

But writing and publishing 1000’s of blog posts and guest posts over years is not easy, nor is it comfortable to test the limits of your creative potential. Toss in doing a high volume of interviews, promoting other bloggers and engaging in a prolific blog commenting campaign and you have a fun, freeing but sometimes highly uncomfortable task most bloggers shrink from. I know most bloggers shrink from gaining massive exposure because…..most bloggers do not have massive exposure 😉

Boosting your exposure accelerates your blogging success because more folks see how skilled, helpful and valuable you are, as a blogger. Guest posting, genuine blog commenting and building your blogger buddy network by promoting other bloggers helps you to succeed mightily in terms of gaining massive exposure. Bloggers usually do not have a skills issue. Bloggers usually have a massive exposure issue.

Most bloggers solve problems skillfully, churning out helpful, valuable content. But so many bloggers fail because they do not the stuff you need to do to gain exposure, expanding your blogging success. Maybe you resist networking. Perhaps you feel awkward guest posting on blogs, fearing you cannot connect with readers. Or you just feel terrified to waste your time with genuine blog commenting.

Guys; fun and freedom awaits connected bloggers with friends all around the world. Peep today; this is the 3rd guest post I’m writing to help you. How did I land these exposure-expanding guest posting gigs? I networked generously. How did I network generously? I helped bloggers, asked for nothing in return, and gained guest post invites which increased my exposure.

Stop trying to make everything perfect on your blog. Be hyper aware of this common form of blogging self-sabotage. Folks love making blogs look purdy while sitting firmly inside of their comfort zone. But no matter how awesome your blog genuinely is, if you have little to no exposure, nobody reads your blog, you struggle and fail. Gaining exposure is the secret to expansive blogging success.

Hell; even if you have decent but not earth-shattering blogging skills, gaining massive exposure still makes you super duper successful. I have seen 6 figure earners who did not have a firm grasp on the English language, but they had some blogging skills and gained massive, monumental exposure through an epic blogger networking campaign. Keep meeting folks. Be generous. Expect nothing. Get connected. Allow the world to see and enjoy your serious blogging skills to accelerate your online success.


Do you feel kinda confused about how to do a free giveaway? I wrote an eBook to give you clarity in launching a highly successful free giveaway campaign. Buy it here:

Make Money Online: 7 Tips to Launch a Successful Free Giveaway

Hey guys; smash those Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn Share buttons to give Prince greater exposure for his blog and to empower bloggers to start building their exposure. Let’s free a bunch of bloggers by showing ’em it’s more about exposure and less about skills for most bloggers, shall we? Feel the joy of helping, serving and assisting your fellow bloggers.

Written by Ryan Biddulph

Ryan Biddulph is a blogger, author, and world traveler who's been featured on Richard Branson's Virgin Blog, Forbes, Fox News, Entrepreneur, Positively Positive, Life Hack, John Chow Dot Com and Neil Patel Dot Com. He has written and self-published 126 bite-sized eBooks on Amazon and can help you build a successful blog at

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