
Why Would You Blog on the Outside Looking In?

I scanned my spam folder a few moments ago.

I also peeped a spam folder on a blog where I frequently guest post.

Oodles of bloggers whose emails find spam folders blog on the outside looking in. Imagine a little kid staring through a window at a candy store. Darn, that candy looks SO good. But the kid cannot walk inside the store for some reason. Perhaps his parents say no candy. Maybe he has no money. Or worse; the kid got banned from the store for bad behavior, like stealing.

All those bloggers in spam folders are like a kid banned from a candy store for stealing. Save, these spammers on the outside looking in got banned for stealing precious time and energy of all reputable, legitimate bloggers in the cyber world.

How in the heck can you succeed being on the outside like a blogging stranger? Guess what? You cannot. Failure becomes imminent. No one trusts strangers. Bloggers do not trust strangers. Making inroads becomes impossible.

As I preach in my blogging mindset eBook – buy it here – you need to think like success, have posture, be generous and build relationships to blog successfully. Build bonds by being generous to ensure you never find yourself blogging like a cyber stranger, on the outside looking in.

Here’s the deal; if you try to GET before you GIVE, bloggers come to despise you (worst scenario) or ignore you (best scenario). Perhaps compassionate bloggers set aside 10 seconds to teach you benefits of relationship-building. Most busy bloggers have no such time and do not teach the lesson.

I just trashed my spam folder before. I could not reply to anybody. Busy bee today, helping folks who built bonds with me. I also just scanned the spam folder via one well-read blog where I guest post to observe a hefty number of blogging spammers who knew not what they did. Since I have no commenting rights thru the back office I just left it at that.

Change your strategy. Stop being on the blogging outside looking in. Change your perspective. Alter your approach.

Be on the inside looking out. Help bloggers. Ask for nothing. Expect nothing. Be generous. Be genuine too. Eventually – quite fast if you BE super generous and detached – many of these bloggers befriend you. Generous bloggers feel as attractive as a chocolate sundae on a hot, humid day. Like digging into that sundae, blogging buddies visit your blog, endorse you, promote you, buy your stuff and hire you. Win-win scenario.

Congrats! You became a blogging insider. But keep paying that insider tax. Be helpful to bloggers. Promote top bloggers on your blog and through social media. Comment genuinely on blogs. Be a blog comment lounge lizard. Folks will love you for it because comments are content and all bloggers love genuine comments.

The key to being an insider who makes friends, drives traffic and increase your blogging profits is to keep chatting with and making blogging buddies at every turn. Few bloggers do this, so few bloggers seem to be insiders. The most generous among us get stupid connected and seem to know everybody. My wife always says that about me; I know everybody, blogging-wise. Why? I network my rear end off.

I write guest posts for fellow bloggers like I breathe. So, naturally, I am a blogging insider. Being generous was the key that opened the door to be a blogging insider. Versus being a blogging outsider. Stranger Danger! Nobody trusts blogging strangers. But we love, respect and help blogging insiders.

So….what are you waiting for? Publish a genuine comment below. Retweet this post. Move higher in blogging circles. Insiders can help you become an insider but you need to get in the blogging game, be generous and be all over opportunities to serve your fellow blogger.

You up for that?

I believe that you are.

Written by Ryan Biddulph

Ryan Biddulph is a blogger, author, and world traveler who's been featured on Richard Branson's Virgin Blog, Forbes, Fox News, Entrepreneur, Positively Positive, Life Hack, John Chow Dot Com and Neil Patel Dot Com. He has written and self-published 126 bite-sized eBooks on Amazon and can help you build a successful blog at

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