
What to Do if You Have a Tough Time Choosing Blogging Topics

Finding blogging topics seems like a serious challenge crippling most bloggers. But unless you dissolve this block you will have a horrible time being a successful blogger. Pros need to eventually blog persistently.

Almost all bloggers slam into writer’s block sometimes.

I even hit mental blocks regarding blog post topics from time to time, although rare. Sitting with the block feels frustrating. But if you see the blogging journey through you better learn how to locate blog post ideas.

Choosing blog topics allows you to be prolific, generous and successful.

Follow these two tips.

1: Tighten Your Niche

I recall back in the day. I covered many topics with my old blog. But not being able to narrow things down confused me. Feeling confused created writer’s block Slamming into writer’s block guaranteed I never seemed to be able to pick blogging topics quickly.

Imagine being in a diner with 300 menu options. Perhaps it feels abundant to have uber options when picking dinner but not so when trying to snag blog post ideas.

Narrow things down. Tighten your niche. Blog on a single topic. Specializing adds clarity to your thinking process. Thinking clearly lets you pick blog post topics with increasing ease.

Everything in blogging is clarity. Clear bloggers do things with greater ease. Even if blogging feels uncomfortable or flat out scary sometimes, getting clear dissolves resistance on your blogging journey.

Pick one niche. The world loves specialists. The world does not love generalists too much. People go to doctors for medical assistance. People do not seek out medical advice from folks who quote Web MD, deliver the mail and run a part time massage business on the side. Do one thing. Do it well. Access an unlimited flow of prospering blog post topics.

2: Listen to Reader Questions (or Follow Top Blogs in Your Niche)

I pay close attention to my readers. Folks ask me blogging questions regularly. I answer the questions through blog posts.

Noting reader questions gives you an endless flow of blog post ideas. No need to have a big blogging tribe spitting out blogging questions as if the queries flew at you on a conveyor belt. Simply answering 1 question with 3-4 blog posts is possible, probable then a certainty if you learn to dissect the question into multiple answers. Imagine if a reader asks you how to increase blog traffic. Versus turning the question into a single post, publish 3-4 posts based on the question.

Consider publishing posts on:

  • how to drive blog traffic through blog commenting
  • how to drive blog traffic through videos
  • how to drive blog traffic through Facebook
  • common traffic driving mistakes and solutions

Publishing one post weekly means you now have one month’s worth of blog posts based on dissecting a single blogging question from one reader. I do not want to hear the excuse that you do not have enough readers to get blog post ideas, save the rarest of cases.

If however you literally have no readers – or if the cat’s got all of your reader’s tongues – do the next best thing: follow top blogs in your niche. Top bloggers in your niche have their finger on the pulse of their readers. Top bloggers keep their ears to the cyber street, answering reader’s questions with every single blog post. If successful bloggers cover the topics you would be wise to cover similar topics in your niche.

Finding blog post topics is never a problem for bloggers who listen to their readers and who follow top blogs in their niche.


The most successful bloggers leave obvious clues.

Following their lead accelerates your blogging success.

I wrote an eBook to help you become a successful blogger.

Buy it here:

10 Lessons from Hyper Successful Bloggers

Written by Ryan Biddulph

Ryan Biddulph is a blogger, author, and world traveler who's been featured on Richard Branson's Virgin Blog, Forbes, Fox News, Entrepreneur, Positively Positive, Life Hack, John Chow Dot Com and Neil Patel Dot Com. He has written and self-published 126 bite-sized eBooks on Amazon and can help you build a successful blog at

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